
A interview to Brandlhuber+ by Felipe De Ferrari has been published in ARQ 104. The interview consists in two parts from different times and with different interviewees. The first part was held in September 2015, between Felipe De Ferrari (FDF) and Arno Brandlhuber (AB), whereas the second part was conducted via email with Dorothee Hahn from the Brandlhuber+ team (DH/B+) exclusively for this issue of ARQ.

Abstract : Laws, codes and regulations usually seem to hinder architectural creativity. Yet, that’s not always the case. In more than twenty years of career, German architect Arno Brandlhuber has sought for ways in which law can be a trigger for architectural design. Through various collaborations, his practice Brandlhuber+ became one of the most forward thinking voices in the contemporary scene. This interview gives an insight into these ideas explaining how restrictions, commonly perceived as obstacles, can be at the basis of architectural strategies.

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