Plan Común was invited by Chilean practice Amunátegui Valdés (led by architects Cristóbal Amunátegui & Alejandro Valdés) to contribute with an architectural "correction" of one of their projects included in their monograph World of Fragments, published by Ediciones ARQ.
Excerpt of the brief: “We set out from the premise that every operation done to an architectural object (an extension, addition, or subtraction, for example, but also a reorganization or reformulation of the program, etc.) is the chance to correct the project in a wider sense, charging it with a different cultural signification. In this sense, we understand correction either in its Renaissance meaning (Antonio da Sangallo boldly trying to "correct" the Pantheon in his entry for the church of San Giovanni dei Fiorentini in Rome, for example) or in its most destructive possible way, as Thomas Bernhard used to claim. But we are certainly open to new understandings of the word.”